Chattering Workshop (Friday) (non-members)
A hands-on workshop where you will learn a technique called “chattering.” Chattering is a decorative method on pottery that involves using a flexible tool, such as a rib or blade, to create rhythmic textured patterns on the surface of a spinning clay piece on the potter’s wheel. Participants will learn about the types of patterns that can be achieved with chatter as well as learn the basic techniques, including how to choose the right tools and work surface for best results. Sample tools will be provided for use during the class.
Requirements: Students should bring 2-3 leather hard pots to trim during the workshop. The pieces should be cylinders or bowls, no plates. Don't forget to bring your trimming tools. If you bring your own chattering tools make sure your initials are on them.
Friday, February 28th
10am - 1pm
non member price: $75